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Past Programmes
Winter 2008 - Spring 2009
Past Events

Winter/Spring 2008 Programme

Here we go folks... here's the plethora of fun and games we have lined up for you this term. Read, enjoy, and complain as appropriate!

When? What Who's responsible
Thursday 15th January Challenges evening All
Thursday 22nd January DofE / Awards clean up and games Richard / Dave
Thursday 29th January Poker/Casino evening (crochet for Katie and Natalie) Jason
Thursday 5th February Flight Simulator / plane building Richard
Thursday 12th February DIY Tom B / Michael
Thursday 19th February Rally Neil
Thursday 26th February District Bowling event @ Lordswood - 7pm @HQ District
Thursday 5th March DIY Hannah / Marie
Thursday 12th March Award work / games Richard and Dave
Thursday 19th March Camp preparation Dave
Saturday 20th to 22nd March Winter Camp @ Blacklands CONFIRMED Dave
Thursday 26th March D.I.Y. Andrew / Max
Thursday 2nd April Professional Dogs Dave
Page last updated on Jun 3, 2011
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